Sunday, May 19, 2013

May Meeting Update

May Meeting Update

The May meeting was very successful!  We had two new faces at this month's meeting, which was great.

One person was the guest of our meeting's facilitator.  She is also a retired nurse, so she brought the perspective of a health care professional to the meeting, which was great given that our other new person was recently (in the previous week) diagnosed with hydro.  It was great meeting her and having her perspective as part of our conversation.

The other was someone newly diagnosed with hydrocephalus.  Hopefully we put her mind at ease and answered all the questions she had.  As always, our door is open if anything comes up in the future.  It was great meeting her and addressing some of her concerns.  All of us know about the nervousness of going into this, even with our years of experience.

In the last week my own 'concern' has been the sensitivity of my burr hole area.  It has been very sensitive to touch and even the slightest wind or the air from the blowdrier.  I didn't have any of the other symptoms that would be of a concern to a neurosurgeon or neurologist, so I've just been keeping an eye on it.  I did ask the hairdresser/stylist to take it easy on that area when I got my hair cut last week.

Today it all seemed fine.  Spent a lot of time outside, without a hat, and the burr hole area wasn't sensitive.  I didn't even notice it today!  Hopefully, whatever it was (a minor infection was one suggestion) short lived and over with.

I can't believe that June is our next meeting!  Half the year will be over with.  Doesn't seem like so much time has passed.

Hope to see more new folks in the coming months, as always--in addition to the regulars.

Take care.


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

REMINDER: May Meeting on May 18th


This month's meeting will be May 18th from 12:45 pm to 3:00 pm in the Casey Room at Swedish Hospital's Cherry Hill Campus.  As always we welcome drop ins and anyone interested in the condition of hydrocephalus.  We also welcome children, as well as adults and those, of any age, living with hydrocephalus.
We look forward to seeing everyone!

The April meeting was very good.  As always, we had some lively discussions about aspects of living with hydrocephalus and caught up with everyone who attended.  We missed those who couldn't attend.  Maybe this month...

Unfortunately, my car was broken into during the meeting.  No one was hurt, just some minor (replaceable) items were taken.  The thieves even locked the car back up when they left!  This has never happened before and the car was parked in the parking garage!  Hoping it won't happen again.

I've changed my contact email, from to  Too many 'issues' in getting my hotmail account back, for the second time this year.  So I can be reached either by either account ( or 

Locally, one of the tv stations aired a piece about a Swedish study on elderly adults and falls.  They talked about the increase in traumatic brain injury (TBI) to seniors who fall.  Very interesting study.

Hope to see everyone on the 18th!