Sunday, December 22, 2013

December 2013 Meeting


The final meeting for 2013 was small, but successful.  We discussed several hydrocephalus and brain injury topics.  I am still trying to round up informational pamphlets to put into packets for the Seattle Police and other first responders.  NINDS sent me a pamphlet on hydrocephalus, which we appreciate.  I may include some of them in our exhibit/booth at Brain Awareness in March, as well as the informational packets.
We also discussed how the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is impacting us.  I'm still trying to find something that is affordable for me and will allow me to keep my current primary physician.  I really don't want to change, but may have to.  It is a real disappointment that the Washington state Medicaid program denied the facility my doctor is affiliated with in their coverage.

We also caught up with what has been going on with members since last month's meeting.  Great to hear that Brian's health is improving.  We miss him at meetings, but it is a long trek to get to Seattle.  Our thoughts and prayers are, as always, with him.

I'm still hoping to get more 'stuff' for the Brain Awareness booth this year, as always.  I'm also interested in finding other people in the community who have brain issue awareness and would be interested in spending even an hour or two of the four hour event, to help discuss the issue with the kids, parents and teachers attending.

Saturday, December 21, 2013


We meet on the third Saturday of each month, from 12:45 pm to 3:00 pm in the Casey Conference Room at Swedish Hospital's Cherry Hill campus (17th & Jefferson, Seattle).  We welcome anyone wanting information/moral support in living with the condition of hydrocephalus.  Drop ins are welcome.
Our meeting was founded by parents and those (of all ages) living with hydrocephalus over 20 years ago.  Every story is unique, just as we are.
January 18th
February 15th
March 15th
April 19th
May 17th
June 21st
July 19th
August 16th
September 20th
October 18th
November 16th
The 2014 Brain Awareness Open House at the UW will be March 4th.  We look forward to seeing Western Washington students (grades 4-12) at the event, along with parents & teachers.  If any teachers would like to have us speak to their classes about hydrocephalus & living with the condition, feel free to contact us.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Happy Holidays!  This will be the final meeting of 2013--the year went by SO fast.  I'll be posting the 2014 schedule shortly.  December 21st, from 12:45 pm to 3:00 pm in the Casey Conference Room at Swedish Hospital's Cherry Hill campus will be our meeting this month.  As always, drop ins are welcome, as well as children & anyone wanting information about hydrocephalus.

I also want to take the opportunity to thank Swedish Hospital for their generous assistance in providing us with meeting space for the last several years.  It has been great having the space and being available to those in need of moral support in living with hydrocephalus.  We look forward to many more years of service to the community and the assistance of Swedish in that effort.

I would also like to thank the many friends of the group, and family members, worldwide, who have helped make the group a success.

I'm looking forward to 2014 with great anticipation.  Look forward to seeing new and familiar faces in the coming year.