We're in the final stages of planning our booth/exhibit for the 2015 Brain Awareness Open House event on March 3rd. Looking forward to seeing over 650 students from Western Washington schools, as well as teachers & parents.
Lots of interesting items for handouts, as well as bringing the Hydrocephalus Doll (a generous gift from Medtronic last year) to its first event! I've brought it to meetings & to some social gatherings (non-hydrocephalus related), with great feedback.
I'm looking forward to seeing some of our long distance friends at the event, helping out with the exhibit. It will be great to see them again, since many aren't able to make it to the monthly meetins, unfortunately.
For those who don't know about the UW's Brain Awareness Open House, it is an annual event for school age kids to learn about how the brain functions. It is always a fascinating event for kids, as well as parents & teachers. Many learn about new aspects found in brain research. Our group talks about living with hydrocephalus, the causes & the complexities of the condition.
The next support group meeting will be on February 21st, from 1-3 pm in the Casey Conference Room at Swedish Hospital's Cherry Hill Campus (17th & Jefferson, Seattle).