Sunday, February 14, 2016

February Update

We wanted to thank the Hydrocephalus Association for sending us material(s) for the March event.  Brain Awareness Open House at the UW will be March 17th, from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm and we are expecting several hundred kids (grades 4-12) during the one day gathering.  There have been so many new brain oriented stories and ideas in the news over the last year, there is a lot to talk to them about!  Zika is just one of those.

We would also like to thank, in advance, Medtronic, for their annual participation.  It is always a pleasure to work with them on our table.

I would personally like to thank our members who come every year to talk with the kids and adults about living with the condition of hydrocephalus.  It is always great to see faces we don't always see because of distance, on a monthly basis.

As always, we are constantly looking for ideas for this year's, as well as the 2017, event(s).  I've seen a lot of great things online, but our budget wouldn't cover them.  The brain version of popular games, cups, mugs, tee shirts, etc.  All fun ways of opening up discussion about something most people don't give a second thought to.