Thursday, March 17, 2016

2016 UW Brain Awareness Open House

2016 Brain Awareness Open House

Another successful year's event!  Thanks to all who attended (Dave, Frank, Kim & Bobbe), as well as the students, parents and educators.  Everyone I spoke with had a good time.

We had lots of interest in the shunt display, thanks to Dave from Medtronic.

There were a lot of inquisitive kids out there, not just interested in the 'free' stuff we had to hand out.  It was great talking with kids who really wanted to know about hydrocephalus and what it was like to live with it.

Looking forward to 2017 already!

Friday, March 4, 2016

Preparation For Brain Awareness

The booth for Brain Awareness is coming together.  It promises to be another rewarding year.  We got a box from the Hydrocephalus Association (HA), which is always helpful.  We have at least one rep from the shunt manufacturer, Medtronic attending, plus members of the support group.

The estimate is 700 or so kids (grades 4-12), plus parents and teachers.  Our exhibit should be full of information and lots of information from those of us living with the condition.

I'm also bringing the educational doll along.  This year the doll has a whole new wardrobe and a stroller, so transporting it will be much easier than previous years.  It is always a great conversation starter, wherever it goes.  We've started dialog with police officers, social workers and lots of others seeing it.  It DOES look very real and has been mistaken for an actual baby!

We will be having our monthly meeting on the third Saturday of March, which is the Saturday after Brain Awareness, which will be nice.  I'm sure that we will have a lot to talk about.