Sunday, March 31, 2013

Hard to believe the year's first quarter is done!  This March has been a good one, for me.  Brain Awareness was a success and we are planning for 2014.  Lots of brainstorming going on about new ways to generate awareness, donations and getting the word out about living with the various aspects of hydro in daily life.  Easter is also one of those times I find myself being thankful for everything that has come my way and to refocus on my goals for the future.

I'm really hoping that some of my long term goals for the Brain Awareness exhibit will happen in 2014.  I really want to build on what we've created over the last 15 yrs or so. 
Spring has definitely sprung!  The tulips and daffs are coming on strong.  Just waiting for the roses and lilacs to come into their own.  Just getting used to not wearing my coat everywhere!

Looking forward to April 20th, the next meeting for the group.  As always, looking forward to seeing familiar and new faces.  Always hoping to see those we haven't seen in awhile as well.  They were missed at last month's Brain Awareness event.
I've been reading a lot of articles about Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and other causes of hydro, posted/published by the CDC via the Seattle Public Library's database.  Very interesting and informative.  Our city and state leaders, as well as educators and coaches need to read these articles and take their information to heart.
Just a quick note:  It was great to see that Kathi Goertzen was memorialized by WSU's Edward R. Murrow School of Journalism by having naming a building after her.  Kathi was a great person and a longtime Seattle journalist who battled non-cancerous tumors for over a decade before losing that battle in 2012.  She is definitely missed.  But with her foundation and WSU's tribute to her, she will always be remembered.
Hope to see everyone on the 20th!

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