Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Schulte Family: One Year Anniversary of DUI Accident

I can't believe that it has been a year since the tragic accident,  caused by a repeat drunk driver, that took the lives of Dan Schulte's parents & forever altered the lives of Karina (Dan's wife) & their son, who was just weeks old at the time.  The news has, somewhat, addressed the damage done to the survivors, but not enough attention, in my opinion, has been focused enough on the lasting impact left by the careless, senseless, selfish act of, yet another, drunk driver.

For Dan's young wife to have to relearn to walk, talk and live again after receiving a severe TBI, then having a stroke, is a challenge no one should have to endure.  Again, at the hands of someone who has demonstrated, time & time again, what little regard they have for others, is SO wrong.

Our members have been talking about this case for a year now.  As our group is so aware, traumatic brain injury (TBI) can happen to anyone, at any age, through no fault of their own.  In this case it was a family taking a walk with their newborn baby, just walking down the sidewalk.  Our thoughts and prayers have always been with the family. 

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