Wednesday, October 7, 2015


I saw the Fox News piece on last night's news and they spoke about a special they will be airing tonight about the inner workings of the brain.  If their previous work is any indication, this should be excellent.

Last night they had a teaser where they interviewed two prominant docs from the University of Washington--one was neurosurgeon Richard Ellenbogen and the other was a sports medicine specialist.

A big part of the reason for the special and the smaller segments devoted to brain injury is because Washington state has already had something like four TBIs with high school football players.  As much as the high school football gets the attention, other sports (LaCrosse, soccer, softball, etc.) are also impacted.  Statistically, more brain injuries occur from bicycle accidents than sports.

There is also the added attention to the Lystadt Law, which requires any high school coaches/trainers to remove a kid from play if a concussion is even suspected.  Kids aren't allowed back in the game until they have been evaluated by a medical professional.  I believe they said that now all states have some form of the Lystadt Law in place to protect kids in sports.

I'm looking forward to watching tonight.

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