Sunday, August 25, 2013


September is coming fast!  This is National Hydrocephalus Awareness Month and we are, as always, looking for ways to bring awareness to the issue of living with hydrocephalus.  For us, obviously, this is a daily issue and while it is great that we have a national movement of awareness, we need to keep that concept alive twelve months out of the year.

I have been looking for ways to combine that with fundraising ideas for the group.  We have a few programs in the Seattle area that the group needs to be looking at participating in, that would both raise awareness and funds for us, as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

I've also been looking at various events (fairs, health fairs, etc.) that we might be able to include in our outreach projects.  Right now, our biggest event is the UW's Brain Awareness Open House, which is a great event--we love taking part every year, but we need to find some additional events to participate in throughout the year.

It would also be great if we could find some sponsors to help us with participating in some of the events that require money for booth participation.

Admittedly, I should have been trying harder to get some articles in local and regional papers and magazines for September's awareness month.  Awareness is about much more than looking for research dollars.  It is about informing the public about ALL that hydrocephalus is (and isn't), not just focusing on one aspect, that of finding research dollars.

Another aspect of awareness is about letting those living with the condition know that they aren't alone and that groups, like the Hydrocephalus Support Group, Inc., are out here for them to participate in.  That includes family members, friends, caregivers and those in the medical community as well.  All too often, we (and those close to us) are left feeling isolated with this condition.

As I always say, we look forward to seeing new faces at the monthly meetings and increasing our membership.  The next meeting is on September 21st, from 12:45 pm to 3:00 pm in the Casey Conference Room at Swedish Medical Center's Cherry Hill Campus (17th & Jefferson) in Seattle.  We welcome anyone with an interest in hydrocephalus.  Drop ins and children are welcome as well. 

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